EcoBird 14.5® Bird Repellent, with a Methyl Anthranilate (MA) concentration level of 14.5%, can be utilized for agricultural use and commodities, such as berries, grapes, apples, stone fruits, cereal grains, sunflowers and other non-agricultural uses. These include  turf applications, hydro-seeding, food stuffs, garbage, waste and trash, and spot repelling.  Application can be made through spray wands, sprinkling systems, pump sprayers or aerial sprayers.

It must be eaten by the birds before they get the repellent effect and learn to avoid treated areas.

EcoBird Repellent 14.5
  • Proven effective and humane
  • Concentrate – mixes with water
  • Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS)
  • 14.5% Methyl Anthranilate (MA)
  • Apply with pump garden sprayers or aerial sprayers
  • Use just a few ounces per acre
  • For ground and aerial applications
  • EPA Registered Bird Repellent
